Monday the 13 th of July 2020… a day I’ll never forget. A normal day somewhat dragged as I had just sat down to have a bite to eat before getting ready for work. I had just taken my first bite when I was interrupted to a phone call from Cian Cardiff…I answered immediately half expecting to hear news of a rarity but the pure magnitude of what followed was certainly not on my radar! “Brian, “a Brown Booby is sitting on the beach at Greystones, Niall Hatch found it” I can’t remember what I said on hearing this news because I was in shock. As every sensible twitcher knows, there’s only one thing that you can do when you hear news of a huge rarity and you’re meant to be into work in less than an hour and that’s… panic. A few phone calls were made as I legged it up to the shop that I work in and seconds later the news was out to everyone. Mayhem… I ran into the shop and politely asked the boss’s son if there was any chance, he could cover my evening shift and I’ll explain all tomorrow...